I’m so grateful you’re here, sharing this space where healing begins, transformation unfolds, and light emerges from the shadows. I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself and share the path that led me here, to the creation of this sanctuary of sound and soul.
My journey isn’t simply about leaving behind the stress of a corporate job or healing from anxiety. It’s about rediscovering who I am, stepping out from a lifetime of invisibility, and turning inward to heal the wounds that shaped me. Each moment—no matter how painful—played a role in guiding me to this place of connection, growth, and purpose.
As a child, labeled as different, I faced relentless bullying and rejection, even from those meant to guide and support me such as teachers. At home, I grew up in an environment lacking safety and freedom to express myself, and instead filled with neglect, unpredictability, and terror.
With only one friend and no refuge, I turned inward, retreating into a world of imagination not as a tool for healing but as a means of survival.
When I first opened Ambient Sound Healing, I was asked what the hardest part of my journey had been. Without hesitation, I answered: stepping out of the shadows. After a lifetime of feeling invisible, learning to be seen and heard was my greatest challenge and my greatest growth.
One moment of awakening came when I read about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s rice experiment. The jar spoken to with love stayed fresh; the jar spoken to with hate spoiled; but the jar ignored decayed the fastest. I saw myself in that neglected jar, and it brought me to tears. For much of my life, I felt unseen and unloved. But that realization planted a seed: our wounds, when nurtured with love, can become the soil for our greatest strengths.
The mud of my past has been my teacher. Through it, I have grown, transforming pain into the lotus that now blossoms within me. It’s this transformation that inspired me to create Ambient Sound Healing—a sanctuary where others can begin their own journeys of growth, healing, and self-discovery.
Here, through sound, stillness, and connection, we honor all aspects of the human experience. The vibroacoustic soundbeds my husband, Steve, and I created reflect this rhythm. Their frequencies help release what no longer serves, while the divine silence between notes offers space to reflect and rest. Life is a dance of polarities—light and shadow, motion and stillness—and it’s in embracing this duality that we find true balance.
Through my own healing, I’ve learned to use imagination not as a means of escape but as a tool for transformation. Ancient practices have taught me to welcome every part of myself—the joy, the pain, the love, and the loss. Now, I bring these lessons to you, creating a space where you, too, can explore your hidden corners and emerge renewed.
I understand what it means to live without love, safety, and care. That lack shaped me, but it also gave me purpose. I’ve built this sanctuary so others may feel seen, heard, and loved in ways I wasn’t. Through my work, I strive to bring forth the nurturing, compassionate energy of the divine feminine—the mothering energy the world so deeply needs.
To those still hiding in the shadows, I offer this: You are seen. You are heard. You are deeply loved and accepted for who you are.
Om So Hum
We are one