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Exploring the Shadow

  • Ambient Sound Healing 10255 Main Street #14 Clarence, NY, 14031 United States (map)

Shadow work helps to identify and work with the shadows of our being or the parts of ourselves that we have disowned, rejected, or kept hidden. It involves accessing and confronting the dark energies, emotions, and memories that are held within the shadow self. Through shadow work, we can uncover our gifts and potential, gain insight into our behavior and feelings, and find a path toward healing, self-empowerment, and transformation.

When we stop ignoring our shadow, we uncover hidden aspects of our true nature, gain insight into patterns and habits, and reclaim power. This workshop emphasizes the importance of establishing a respectful relationship with the shadow rather than trying to suppress or ignore it. 

This workshop will discuss topics such as: 

-Introduction to shadow work, understanding why it is important to engage in it. 

-Exploring the archetypes of the shadow self and how they each relate to personal development.

- Exploring the unconscious beliefs that are driving our behavior and how to shift them.

- Practicing self-awareness and self-reflection as a way to start engaging in shadow work. 

-Understanding the role of emotions in the shadow self and how to embrace them.

-Exploring creative tools and activities to help facilitate shadow work, such as journaling, journeying, visualization, meditation, art, and dream work.

-Finding the Gifts in Your Shadow

-Growing our capacity for compassion and empathy for ourselves and others.

-Integrating the lessons we learn from engaging in shadow work into our daily lives.

This workshop also includes:

A guided meditation to honor and acknowledge yourself.
Thirty-minute Sound Bath
Candle gazing ritual 
Water lovingly charged to 432HZ

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Shamanic Journeying and Trance Work

March 5

By Candlelight only Sound Bath