Ancestors are honored as guardians and protectors of their lineage. They can offer invaluable insights into patterns that have been passed down through generations, helping you heal ancestral wounds and break free from limiting beliefs. You can ask your Ancestor Guides for their blessings, wisdom, and insights into your family lineage. They may reveal forgotten stories, traditions, or even genetic predispositions that can help you understand your own path.

In the shamanic tradition, connecting with your Ancestor Guides involves journeying to the Lower World, a realm of ancestral memory and wisdom. To embark on this sacred journey, prepare your sacred space with offerings of food, drink, or other symbolic items that honor your ancestors. Then, through drumming, rattling, or guided meditation, shift your awareness to a lower vibration state. (This of this like a radio station. It is important we do not assign value such as ‘good’ or' ‘bad’ to what is refereed to as a lower or higher state.)

As you descend into the Lower World, visualize yourself entering a place familiar to your ancestors, perhaps a landscape from their homeland or a dwelling they once inhabited. Invite your Ancestor Guides to join you, trusting that they will appear in a form that resonates with your spirit. Communicate with them through your heart, sharing your intentions, questions, or simply expressing gratitude for their presence.

Another powerful way to connect with your ancestors is through divination. Tarot cards, runes, or other forms of divination can be used to seek their wisdom and insights. You can also light a candle and gaze into it. Pay attention to dreams, synchronicities, and intuitive feelings, as these may be signs that your ancestors are trying to communicate with you.

Remember, the shamanic path is one of deep reverence for all living beings, past, present, and future. Honor your ancestors by acknowledging their struggles, celebrating their triumphs, and carrying their legacy forward with integrity. As you deepen your connection to your ancestral roots, you will discover a wellspring of strength, resilience, and spiritual nourishment.