The subconscious mind plays a significant role in the process of manifestation. Often likened to the vast and unseen portion of an iceberg submerged beneath the ocean's surface, the subconscious mind stores all our life experiences, emotions, habits, and memories. It operates continuously, even when we are not consciously aware of its influence. The beliefs and thoughts that reside in this hidden realm shape our perceptions, behaviors, and ultimately, the outcomes of our lives.

Manifestation is deeply intertwined with the workings of the subconscious mind. This is because the subconscious mind forms the foundation of our belief system. The law of attraction, a central principle to manifestation, posits that 'like attracts like.' This means that the energy we emit through our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs attracts experiences and outcomes that resonate with that energy. Our subconscious mind is constantly projecting these energies into the universe, which in turn reflects corresponding experiences back to us

For instance, if your subconscious is filled with positive thoughts of abundance and success, you are more likely to attract experiences that align with these positive energies. But again, if your subconscious harbors negative beliefs rooted in scarcity or fear, these themes may continue to manifest in your life. This understanding underscores the importance of aligning your subconscious beliefs with the realities you wish to create. To change your external circumstances, you must first change the internal landscape of your subconscious mind.

Reprogramming the subconscious mind is a  process that involves conscious awareness and intention. It requires identifying and releasing limiting beliefs that have been ingrained over time through past experiences and societal conditioning. By replacing these limiting beliefs with positive affirmations and thoughts, you can begin to shift your subconscious programming towards a more empowering and supportive belief system. This shift allows you to align with the energy of your desires and manifest them into your reality.

The journey of reprogramming the subconscious mind is one of patience and persistence. For me, it involved various strategies such as meditation, Shamanic journeying, visualization, and the use of subliminal messages to reinforce new, positive beliefs. As you peel away the layers of old, limiting beliefs, you make room for new possibilities and experiences. With dedication and the right techniques, you can harness the power of your subconscious mind to manifest a reality that surpasses your wildest dreams.

We will go over some of those techniques and the next chapter.