The Very First Stepโ€ฆ

The Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) technique is a method used to induce astral projection or lucid dreaming by leveraging the body's natural sleep cycles. We couple the WBTB method with the additional techniques listed in this class.

  • Go to bed at your usual time and sleep for approximately 4-6 hours. This duration allows you to pass through the initial deep sleep stages and prepares you for REM sleep, which is more conducive to astral projection.

  • Set an alarm to wake you after the 4-6 hour sleep period. Place the alarm at a distance that requires some movement to turn off, ensuring you fully awaken.

  • Once awake, engage in light activities for about 15-30 minutes. This could involve reading about astral projection, meditating, or practicing visualization exercises. The aim is to keep your mind alert but your body relaxed.  Do not watch television or go on your phone.

  • Return to bed with the intention of entering astral projection. As you lie down, perform a relaxation technique such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation to relax your body thoroughly.

  • Use a specific Vestibular Sensations Techniques (VST), like the floor-crawling technique or rolling out of bed, paired with an Inner-Visualization Technique. This helps to shift your focus from the physical to the astral body. These techniques are discussed in later chapters.

  • Maintain your focus on the intention to astral project. You may experience a vibration state or other sensations as your consciousness begins to separate from your physical body. Allow these sensations to occur without resistance.

  • If you fall asleep and wake up again, or if you wake up before your alarm, you can make attempts to astral project. Do your best not to physically move after awakening. If this happens, instantly start doing VSTs paired with visualization techniques