What are Vestibular Sensation Techniques (VST)?

The focus of these techniques should be on the sensation of movement and not the visual aspect. It's important not to try to visualize letโ€™s say rotation from a third-person perspective, as the main emphasis is on one's own vestibular sensations. These technique is about feeling the rather than seeing. The end goal is to replace imagined sensations with real ones, where you feel as though you are actually rotating, rolling out, etc.

For now, choose two of these techniques that resonate most with you and feel most intuitive for your practice. Remember, it's crucial to rotate through different techniques. You might find success with one but not another, and even a technique that works well one night might not yield the same results the next time you attempt astral projection.

The key is to have a diverse arsenal of vestibular techniques at your disposal. However, to avoid overwhelming yourself, focus on practicing only two or three at a time. As you experiment and gain experience, gradually incorporate new techniques into your routine. This allows you to discover what works best for you while keeping your practice dynamic and engaging.

We will put together how to use implement these in future chapters but for now, be aware of these techniques.

  • Rotating Technique: Imagine that your body is rotating along the head-to-toe axis. This mental rotation can be visualized as spinning horizontally or vertically, depending on what feels more natural. You might start slowly and then increase the speed of rotation as you become more comfortable with the sensation. This can lead to a state where the astral body separates from the physical body due to the intense focus on the vestibular sensations.

  • The Roll Out Technique: As you lie in bed, imagine yourself rolling over to the side without physically moving your body. It's a mental roll, where you visualize and feel yourself tipping over and falling out of your bed.

  • The Sit-Up Technique: Similar to the roll out, this technique involves mentally sitting up out of your body. Imagine your astral body sitting up while your physical body remains still and relaxed.

  • The Rope: Visualize a rope hanging above you and imagine yourself climbing it, hand over hand, pulling your astral body out of your physical body. This technique gives your mind a clear action to focus on, which can help in the separation process.

  • Choose a physical object in the room as a target. Focus all your attention on this object as you drift off to sleep. Concentrating on a physical object can help your astral body move towards it, facilitating separation.

  • Swinging: Imagine swinging back and forth or side to side. This pendulum-like motion can help induce the feeling of movement necessary for astral travel.

  • Floating: Picture yourself gently floating upwards, as if buoyant in water, to initiate the sensation of leaving your physical form. You can also feel yourself effortlessly floating down a stream carried by the current of the water. 

  • Vibrational Focus: Concentrate on any natural vibrations you feel upon waking or during meditation to amplify them and encourage astral separation.

  • Phantom Wiggling: Without moving physically, try to wiggle your astral hands or feet to create a sense of movement in your non-physical form.

  • Elevator Technique: Envision yourself in an elevator, feeling the motion as it ascends or descends, to simulate vertical movement.

  • Rotation Around Points: Select points around your body and imagine your consciousness rotating around them, like planets orbiting a star

  • Wheel Technique: Imagine your body is at the center of a giant wheel that is spinning, which can help dislodge your astral self.

  • Magnetic Pull: Feel a magnetic force pulling your astral body in a specific direction, aiding in the separation process.

  • The Trampoline: Visualize bouncing higher and higher on a trampoline, using each bounce to loosen the astral body from the physical.

  • Swing Set Visualization: Picture yourself on a swing set, pushing higher with each swing to create a rhythmic motion for astral projection.

  • Carousel Spin: Imagine yourself on a carousel, with the circular motion helping to induce the separation of your astral body.

  • Skyward Stretch: While lying down, visualize yourself slowly raising your legs skyward. Feel the imaginary movement in your hamstrings, calves, and core muscles. This can bridge the gap between physical and astral movement.

  • Scribe: Imagine the sensation of writing a letter or symbol on a blank surface in front of you. Feel the texture of the writing utensil in your hand, and the movement of your arm as you form the letters.

  • Object in Hand: Focus on a specific object you hold frequently, like your phone or a favorite mug. Imagine holding it in your astral hand. Feel its texture, weight, and any imperfections in exquisite detail. This creates a powerful connection between your physical and astral selves.

  • Astral Driver: Close your eyes and imagine yourself driving a car. Feel the grip of the steering wheel in your hands, the pressure of your foot on the pedal. Mentally recreate the sensations of accelerating, turning corners, and coming to a smooth stop.

  • Tree Climber: Physically feel yourself attempting to climb a tree. Imagine your astral body mirroring your movements โ€“ reaching for branches, feeling the texture of the bark beneath your hands and feet. This can blur the lines between physical and astral experiences.

  • Easy Pull-up: Imagine yourself effortlessly performing a pull-up. Feel the engagement of your muscles, the strain in your arms and back. This visualization can prime your astral body for similar movements.

  • Astral Greeting: Wave your physical arm as if greeting someone. Simultaneously, visualize your astral arm extending with an even greater range of motion, reaching out and waving with an exaggerated flourish.

  • Astral Snow Angel: Imagine yourself lying on a soft surface in the astral realm. Mimic the movements of making a snow angel with your physical body, feeling the imaginary press of the "snow" against your back.

  • Energetic Friction: Rub your hands together vigorously, creating warmth and friction. Imagine this action transferring to your astral form, feeling a similar surge of energy coursing through your astral hands.

    Remember, these are just a springboard for your creativity. Experiment and find what kinesthetic experiences resonate most with you. As you practice these techniques, you'll develop a stronger mind-body connection, allowing you to embody your astral experiences with greater depth and detail.