Vivid Encounters: It's normal to see others in stunning detail, just like in real life. These could be fellow travelers on the astral plane, projections of your subconscious, or even beings from other dimensions. The jury's still out on their exact nature, but there's no need to be afraid. Remember, you're in control! Simply intend to wake yourself if things feel uncomfortable. These encounters can be informative – some offer valuable advice, while others might be playful or even confusing.

Connecting with Loved Ones: The ability to call out to others on the astral plane is quite remarkable. I've even reached out to my deceased mother twice. One encounter was unclear, possibly due to a difference in "frequency" at the time. Another time, a sudden shock caused me to wake up. Interestingly, calling out to my living dogs has also worked. Their dream selves or spirits come rushing towards me, though success isn't guaranteed every time.

Maintaining remaining in the astral phase: The key to staying "in phase" during astral travel, especially after translocation (jumping between locations), is constant interaction with your environment. This means keeping your senses engaged – touch, sight, sound – anything to stay grounded in the experience. Translocation with your eyes open can be tricky unless you find a scene that instantly draws you in. Closing your astral eyes (imagine them similar to your physical eyelids) can help with focusing your intent.

Confidence is Key: Self-doubt is your biggest enemy during astral projection. If you hesitate, you might experience setbacks like stumbling mid-flight. Believe in yourself and your ability to navigate this incredible realm!