Energetic Protection for Astral Projection

Astral projection, the act of separating your consciousness from your physical body, can be a profound experience. However, some practitioners worry about encountering negative energies or entities during their travels. Here's a list of things you can consider for energetic protection:

  • Cleanse your space: Burn sage or incense, or use a visualization technique to clear your astral projection area of any negativity.

  • Set intentions: Silently or aloud, state your desire for a safe and positive astral journey.

  • Protection visualization: Imagine yourself surrounded by a white light, or a specific protective symbol, that deflects negativity.

  • Sound Cleansing: Use sound healing instruments like tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls, or bells to cleanse your projection space of negativity. Play the instruments with intention, focusing on the sound waves clearing stagnant energy.

  • Protective Soundscapes: Play calming or protective soundscapes during projection. You can find recordings specifically designed for astral travel, or you can choose something soothing. Keep in mind, if you select something with binaural beats, you will need to use headphones, so you might want to consider isochronic tones.

  • Banishing Mantra: Develop a short phrase or mantra to banish any negativity you encounter.

  • Grounding: Before and after astral projection, perform grounding exercises to reconnect your energy to your physical body.

  • Meditation: Regular meditation strengthens your aura and energetic defenses.

  • Clean living: Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a focus on positive thoughts and emotions. This strengthens your overall energetic well-being.

  • Avoid low vibrational places: Project from a space that feels safe and positive.

  • Power Animals: Invoke the aid of your power animal, a spirit guide connected to your strength and protection. Meditate on its form and feel its presence beside you.

  • Crystal Grid: Create a crystal grid or simply have crystals around your projection space using stones like black tourmaline, obsidian, or amethyst. These crystals are known for deflecting negativity.

  • Trust your intuition: If something feels wrong, disengage and return to your body.

  • Circle Casting: Cast a sacred circle around your projection space to create a defined area for your journey. You can use incense smoke, herbs, or simply visualize a circle of light.

  • Spirit Guide Invocation: Invoke the protection of a Guide associated with travel, protection, or the astral realm.

  • Protective Charms: Create or wear a charm for protection during projection. You can use herbs associated with banishing negativity ( mugwort, rosemary) or stones like hematite or black tourmaline.

    Elemental Guardians: Visualize the elements (earth, air, fire, water) surrounding you and forming a protective barrier. You can call upon specific deities associated with each element for added protection.

  • Runes or Sigils: If you work with runes or sigils, mentally project a symbol of protection during your travels.

  • Chanting or Singing: Use chants or songs associated with protection or banishing negativity in your pagan tradition.

  • Offerings: Leave offerings of food, drink, or herbs to deities or spirits you call upon for protection. This shows respect and strengthens the energetic connection.

  • Protective Herbs: Burn protective herbs like mugwort or bay leaves before projection to cleanse the space and create a barrier against negativity.

  • Journals and Divination: Keep a journal of your astral experiences and use divination tools like tarot cards or runes to gain insights into potential challenges and how to navigate them safely.

    At the very least, I recommend grounding, ALWAYS projecting from a safe place, and calling in your spirit guides, and setting the intention to be energetically protected while exploring the Astral Realm. Energetic Protection serves as a safeguard against negative energies and unwanted influences and helps to create a secure environment for exploration. However, it is equally important not to let fear overtake you. Excessive fear can hinder your progress, creating mental barriers that prevent you from fully experiencing and benefiting from these practices. Balancing protection with confidence allows you to remain open and receptive, fostering a sense of empowerment and trust in your abilities. This harmony balance between protection and fearlessness is essential for a safe and enriching journey.