Wearing something such as a crown during every reading (symbolically or literally) Have you ever wondered why shamans wear elaborate masks and costumes during ceremonies? It's not just for show. These symbolic articles act as powerful tools. By donning them, shamans shed their everyday persona and enter a space of heightened awareness, often embodying a spirit guide or channeling messages from the beyond. This concept translates beautifully into the world of psychic readings. Wearing a symbolic article, like a crown (literal or metaphorical), can empower you as a reader and enhance your practice. In my "Seekers Journey Class," I guide students through a visualization exercise called the "Crown of Empowerment." They create a crown in the spirit world, crafted from crystals or flowers, each element representing a quality they wish to cultivate, like intuition or courage. Before each reading, You can place this crown upon your head, a physical reminder and activation of your chosen qualities.
See the client as a soul: During a psychic reading, it's easy to get caught up in the details – the client's words, their anxieties, the specific questions they bring to the table. But the most powerful readings go beyond the surface. They delve deeper, recognizing the client not just as a name and a story, but as a soul on a unique journey. This perspective shift is crucial. It allows you to see beyond the physical body and connect with the client's energetic signature. You can sense the emotional currents running beneath their words, the lessons their soul is seeking to learn, and the hidden desires that may be masked by their conscious mind.
Focus on being a conduit for Spirit: The Ultimate goal is to transcend your own personal limitations and become a clear channel for Spirit. Imagine yourself as a tuning fork, vibrating in resonance with the universal energy field. Your role isn't to generate the sound, but to amplify and transmit it. By quieting your own internal noise – your opinions, biases, and preconceived notions – you create a channel that's less cluttered and more receptive to the subtle nudges and messages from Spirit.
Trusting Precognitive Insights: During psychic readings, some practitioners receive background information about their clients from a spiritual source before the session even begins. This pre-reading knowledge, often intuitive nudges or symbolic flashes, can be incredibly valuable and shouldn't be dismissed by the ever-present "monkey mind" – that part of you prone to doubt and overthinking. Instead, embrace this information! By acknowledging these premonitions, you can weave key details into the intuitive guidance you offer your client. This not only validates their experience and fosters trust, but also demonstrates the depth and accuracy of the information coming through from Spirit.