Cloud Gazing: Find a place with a clear view of the sky. Lie down or sit comfortably, focusing your gaze on the moving clouds. As shapes and formations appear, interpret them based on their form and any symbolic meaning you associate with them. This is my favorite way to slip into the alpha state, by simply watching the clouds.
Earth Gazing: Find a quiet spot in nature, ideally near a large rock or a patch of bare ground. Clear your mind and focus your gaze on the earth's surface. Pay attention to textures, cracks, patterns, or any objects you find on the ground. Interpret these elements intuitively. Smooth, unbroken earth could symbolize a stable path, while a cracked or uneven surface might suggest challenges or roadblocks ahead.
Fire Gazing: Light a candle or small bonfire in a safe and controlled environment. Dim the lights and sit comfortably, gazing into the flames. Pay attention to the movement of the fire, the color variations, and any shapes that appear. Flickering flames could represent bursts of inspiration, while a steady,
Water Gazing: Water is linked to emotions, intuition, and the subconscious. Scrying with a bowl of water is appropriate for questions about relationships, hidden feelings, or accessing your inner wisdom.
Fill a clear bowl with clean water and place it on a flat surface in a quiet, dimly lit room. Sit comfortably and gaze into the water, allowing your mind to relax. Notice any ripples, distortions, or bubbles on the surface. Interpret them based on their form and any emotional associations you have. For example, gentle ripples could symbolize calmness, while swirling water might represent emotional turbulence.
Find a quiet spot by a stream with a clear view of the moving water. Sit comfortably and focus your gaze on the surface. Pay attention to the direction of the flow, the sound of the water, and any objects carried by the current. Fast-moving water could symbolize rapid change, while a slow, meandering stream might suggest a need for patience. Objects carried by the current could hold symbolic meaning related to your current situation.
Snow, while technically a form of frozen water, can also be associated with purification, new beginnings, and the potential for hidden things to be revealed. Scrying with snow can be used for questions about starting fresh, uncovering hidden truths, or seeking clarity on a situation.
Ether: Find a quiet, comfortable space and perform a relaxation technique of your choice (meditation, deep breathing, etc.). Close your eyes and focus your intention on connecting with the universal consciousness or your higher self. Pay attention to any thoughts, images, or feelings that arise spontaneously. Interpret these intuitively, keeping in mind that they may be symbolic or metaphorical rather than literal.
Automatic Drawing: Let your hand move freely across paper without conscious control. The resulting shapes or symbols may hold meaning for your client.