Everything is a vibration. Everything in the universe, from the tiniest atom to the vast expanse of space, vibrates at a specific frequency. This constant hum of energy forms the very foundation of reality. 

While we perceive the world through our five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell – these senses only detect a tiny sliver of the vibrational spectrum. Through evolution, our senses have become finely tuned to navigate our environment, focusing on frequencies relevant to survival, like the colors needed to find food or the sounds of approaching danger.

Animals, on the other hand, often have a differing range of perception. Cats, for example, can detect subtle shifts in the Earth's magnetic field due to their sensitivity to a wider range of vibrations.  Horses mirror emotions. Birds can navigate using the invisible map of the Earth's magnetic poles, and some fish can even sense electrical fields. Elephants detect water sources from miles away. This expanded perception allows them to interact with the world in ways we can't even imagine, highlighting the vast and unseen vibrations that surround us.

Through various techniques, we can learn how to tap into that unseen world, and like a well-seasoned sailor, navigate its currents.

The best way to develop your Intuition is to trust it. Don't overthink it. Notice Synchronicity. Pay attention to repeating numbers, symbols, or events that seem to hold significance.

Psychic senses go beyond the traditional five senses of sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing. It delves into the subtle perceptions, where intuition and extrasensory abilities come into play. Here's some psychic senses, along with descriptions and potential ways to develop them:

Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing):

  • Description: The ability to perceive information through extrasensory vision. This can manifest as seeing visions, auras, symbols, or even past or future events.

  • Development: Practices like meditation, dream journaling, and visualization exercises can enhance clairvoyance.

Clairaudience (Clear Hearing):

  • Description: The ability to perceive sounds or voices beyond the physical realm. This can include hearing spirit guides, messages from deceased loved ones, or inner guidance. To note, this generally happens within the inner ear or within our head. The key is to decipher what is a monkey mind versus what is intuition or spirit

  • Development: Pay attention to repetitive sounds, inner ear whispers, or songs that seem to carry specific messages. Meditation and focusing on inner silence can also be helpful.

Clairsentience (Clear Feeling):

  • Description: The ability to sense the emotions and energies of others, places, or objects. This can involve picking up on emotional undercurrents, feeling physical sensations related to a situation, or simply "knowing" things intuitively.

  • Development: Practice empathy exercises, spend time in nature to heighten sensitivity to subtle energies, and pay attention to gut feelings.

Claircognizance (Clear Knowing):

  • Description: The ability to receive sudden insights or flashes of knowledge without any logical reasoning. This can be a powerful tool for problem-solving, decision-making, or gaining unexpected awareness.

  • Development: Journal your sudden ideas and hunches, even if they seem illogical at first. Trust your intuition and pay attention to recurring themes in your insights.

Clairstactility (Clear Touch):

  • Description: The ability to perceive physical sensations that aren't physically present. This can involve feeling the emotional energy of a person or object through touch, or even sensing past events that transpired in a location.

  • Development: Practice blindfolded object readings, where you hold an object and sense its history or energy through touch. Body awareness exercises can also heighten sensitivity.

Clairalience (Clear Smelling):

  • Description: The ability to perceive smells that aren't physically present. This can be associated with specific people, places, or even spirits. It may also involve smelling symbolic scents that carry messages or warnings.

  • Development: Pay close attention to unexpected smells, particularly those that evoke strong emotions or memories. Meditation focusing on the sense of smell can also be beneficial.

Clairtgustance (Clear Tasting):

  • Description: The ability to perceive tastes that aren't physically present. This can be linked to specific emotions, memories, or even premonitions of future events.

  • Development: Similar to clairalience, focus on unexpected tastes and see if they hold any symbolic meaning or emotional connection.

Animal Communication:

  • Description: The ability to telepathically communicate with animals and understand their thoughts and feelings. This can involve receiving intuitive messages, images, or simply a deep sense of connection with the animal.

  • Development: Spend time with animals in a quiet and relaxed setting, focusing on building a trusting connection. Pay attention to any intuitive nudges or impressions you receive.

Remote Viewing:

  • Description: The ability to perceive information about a distant location or event without using the physical senses. This can involve seeing images, sensing emotions, or even gaining a comprehensive understanding of a remote situation.

  • Development: There are specific remote viewing exercises that involve focusing on a target location or object and attempting to receive information about it.