Blindfolded Object Identification: Gather a variety of objects with different textures, temperatures, and energies (e.g., a metal spoon, a fluffy feather, a smooth stone, a warm teabag). Blindfold yourself and have a partner select an object at random. Hold the object in your hands and focus on your senses. Try to determine its properties and what it might be. Repeat with different objects, gradually increasing the difficulty by using more similar items.

Plant Energy Sensing: Choose a plant or tree and sit near it, Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Imagine roots extending from your body into the earth, connecting you to the plant's energy and notice any sensations or emotions that arise as you connect with the plant's energy.

Crystal Grid Activation: Create a crystal grid by arranging crystals in a specific pattern (you can find examples online). Sit in front of the grid and close your eyes. Visualize energy flowing through the crystals and into your body. Notice any changes in your energy or mood. Experiment with different crystal combinations and grid patterns.

Energy Ball Creation: Rub your hands together vigorously until you feel heat. Slowly pull your hands apart and try to sense the energy between them. Visualize this energy forming a ball. Experiment with changing the size and shape of the energy ball.

Energy Field Sensing: Have a partner stand a few feet away from you. Close your eyes and slowly move your hands toward them, palms facing their body. Pay attention to any sensations you feel in your hands. Do you feel warmth, coolness, tingling, or pressure? Ask your partner if they feel anything as you move your hands. Compare your experiences.